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  • 4.50
  • ,
  • 4.60
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nopStation's Abandoned Cart Reminders plugin allows you to easily monitor abandoned carts by configuring abandonment settings and sending cart reminders. This abandoned cart plugin for nopCommerce enables you to view and filter the list of abandoned carts, inspect cart details, and review item and notification summaries.
Abandoned carts are a vital metric for eCommerce solutions that help track conversion patterns and customer behavior. The ability to properly track abandoned carts and send customers abandoned cart reminders can be helpful in boosting customer engagement and sales conversions.
Abandoned Cart plugin for nopCommerce
If you want to add abandoned cart tracking and notification support to your nopCommerce-based storefront, nopStation is here with its Abandoned Cart plugin for nopCommerce. This abandoned cart tracking plugin lets you easily keep an eye on abandoned carts by configuring abandonment and customer cutoff times. As an admin, you have the ability to view and filter the list of abandoned carts, inspect cart details, and review item and notification summaries. This nopCommerce plugin goes a step further by enabling store owners to send email notifications to customers when they abandon their carts. Moreover, these emails come with an option for customers to unsubscribe if they no longer wish to receive them. This versatile plugin not only helps you track abandoned carts throughout your storefront but also provides valuable insights. It can significantly boost your conversion rates by sending abandoned cart emails to customers, ultimately leading to a boost in sales and revenue


  • Track abandoned carts with 4 different statuses (In Action/Abandoned/Recovered/Deleted).
  • Filterable list of storefront abandoned carts per customer with a notification summary.
  • Customer-wise abandoned cart with item details and abandoned cart info.
  • Configurable cut-off time for abandoned carts.
  • Configurable duration for first and second abandonment.
  • Configurable cut-off time for customers' online activity.
  • Send email notifications for any abandoned or all abandoned carts.
  • Enable/Disable sending email notifications on the same day.
  • Send email notifications to customers for abandoned cart items.
  • Unsubscribe button in sent emails to allow customers to stop notifications.
  • Easy installation and quick configuration.
So, boost customer conversions on your storefront by getting nopStation’s Abandoned Cart plugin. Don’t forget to check out nopStation’s collection of other class-leading discount and promotions plugins as well.

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