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  • 4.60
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Howuku is the complete web analytics to help you track user interaction, boost engagement, and improve conversion rates.
Howuku offers a comprehensive web analytics solution to track user interactions, boost engagement, and improve conversion rates. With features like detailed user behavior tracking, customizable reports, and intuitive visualizations, Howuku empowers website owners and developers to make informed decisions that drive growth and enhance the user experience. Gain valuable insights, optimize your site, and maximize ROI with Howuku.


  • Powerful & Robust Heatmaps
  • Conversion & Form Funnel
  • Session Replays & Recordings
  • Feedback & Survey Widgets
  • Website Analytics with 3rd-party Integrations
  • Easy to install and configure
Add Howuku support to your online store by getting nopStation’s Howuku Analyzer plugin for nopCommerce. Don’t forget to checkout nopStation’s collection of other analytics and tracking plugins as well

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