Product versions
  • 4.60
  • ,
  • 4.50
  • ,
  • 4.40
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nopStation's Nets Easy Payment plugin for nopCommerce is developed to provide Nets Easy payment service integration for nopCommerce powered online stores. Nets is one of Europe's most prominent payment processors, supporting payments from cards and most of the popular local payment methods including cards, invoices, instalments, Swish, MobilePay and Vipps across Europe. After a simple nopCommerce plugin download and installation, store owners can easily enable Nest Easy payment services on their storefront and increase payment flexibility in European markets.
Support for popular and regionally adopted payment solutions is essential for any e-commerce or online business. Nets is one of Europe's most popular payment services because of its market scale, capabilities, and proximity, providing intelligent and secure payment solutions to people and businesses in over 25 countries.
Nets Easy Hosted Payment Plugin for nopCommerce
If your online business needs a Nets easy payment method plugin for nopCommerce , then nopStation is proud to introduce its Nets Easy Hosted Payment Plugin. This payment method plugin for nopCommerce comes with multistore support. It lets your business quickly integrate Nets Payment service support to your online store with a simple nopCommerce plugin download and installation. This plugin enables seamless, secure transactions on Nets payment services for merchants and users across Europe and other Nets-supported regions for your online business. Having Nets payment support lets your online business enable fast and secure payments across the European regions.


  • Seamless iframe payment form integration (no redirects).
  • Customer can enter their payment data in the Nets secure environment.
  • Super simple online onboarding.
  • Customers can be recognized when they shop from you again.
  • Supports Capture and Refund method.
  • Nets has local support across Europe so you can get support in your language.
  • Multi-store supported.
  • Easy to install and configure.
Give your nopCommerce store Nets Payment support with nopStation’s Nets Easy Hosted Payment plugin. Don’t forget to check out nopStation’s collection of other nopCommerce payment plugins, BlueSnap Hosted Payment plugin as well.

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